Women’s rights in Afghanistan

 A 29-year-old woman Frozan Safi who was an activist and a woman’s right defender was killed. She was shot several times on her face, head, heart, chest, kidneys and legs. Since mid-August women in Afghanistan have been regularly protesting against the Taliban (an religious sect that promotes uselessness of woman). Right now the girls are banned from secondary school and woman have been barred from most sports and work. Extremists from the Taliban are on a daily basis beating woman with electric batons and torturing reporters who fight for women rights. The activists say that they are being haunted down by the Taliban. Unfortunately the Taliban is now in power over Afghanistan. Due to the fact that the International Peace Keeping Coalition has left the country.

In my opinion this is just another example that the major religions (which do not value women as equal as men) in the world still have not caught up with modern times. I also think that religion should not have such a big impact 

on the country and its society. Many of religious believes cause a lot of harm to a certain group of the society and treat them as somebody worse and not equal. It is high time religions adapted to modern times and changed their structure. As religions by definition are not democratic the religion and state should be completely divided from each other.



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