Sex education around the world pt. 2


Malaysia-sex education in Malaysia focuses only on the biological aspects of sex, ignoring things such as  consent, contraception and emotional wellbeing. Sex education is all about abstinence. That's why The Woman, Family and Community Development Ministry demanded better sex education. Religious schools are also a problem because they deny any kind of sex education which leaves children uneducated about their future.

The Netherlands-we all know that The Netherlands is a liberal country. In their etos there is written that sex is a natural part of human life (which is obviously true!). Compulsory, sex education is obligatory for all children aged 4 and older. They teach about everything that's needed: contraception, respect for their bodies and sexuality, consent and pleasure. Everything is covered that is why teen pregnancy rates are really low.

New Zealand-in New Zealand sex education has been taught since year 1999 and it is considered as one of the most important areas in Health and Physical education. Sex education is demanded is primary schools and secondary schools until year 10. Although sex education is already on a high level in New Zealand even more plans to improve the program have been announced.

Uganda-as in many other countries, religion plays a big role in education in Uganda. Recently, the proposal to distribute contraceptives to those aged 15 and older, was declined by the Ministry of Health saying that it would encourage promiscuity and abortions. Over a quarter of girls in Uganda aged from 15 to 19 are pregnant or have already given birth.

UK-sex education is compulsory in UK, yet the guidelines are very thin. Since 2017, children aged 4 and above are given relationship education and children in secondary are taught sex education on an ,age appropriate' level.

US-the system of education in US differs from state to state. Only less than half of the schools in US include HIV education in their programmes. Guides is gives to schools in most of the states but schools distcrits limit it. In years 2011-2013 43% of adolescent woman and 57% of adolescent men did not receive information about birth control before they had sex for the first time.


  1. Hope the next post is not going to be about what it looks like in Hungary, Taiwan, Zimbabwe and Chile. I think we'got the picture of the diversity by now.


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