Narcissistic children


Narcissists are people who hold grandiose views of themselves, who think that rules or the law does not apply to them and who crave the respect from all the people around them. This is basically everything they care about. From what I know, narcissists can seriously damage your metal health. You have to remember that you can't win them.

Psychologist think that narcissism develops in childhood. Narcissistic children are more capable to say that they deserve something extra and that they are better from others. You can recognize these behaviors since the kid turns 7.

Narcissists are known to be leaders. They captivate others with their charm and self confidence. They also like to have control of other people. The studies have shown that narcissistic children didn't show better leadership and didn't guide their groups to better performance. They were just average.

Sigmund Freud wrote that narcissists impress others as personalities and they seem well-studied so they can take the role of a leader. However, the studies have shown that they don't lead others but they impress others.

In my opinion, narcissistic people can be good at leading others but this doesn't define a narcissist. Of course you'll find some that will be good at it but I think they pursuit to impress other. They want to seem that they know everything so you will admire and respect them because their behavior often is a result of the emptiness they feel.


  1. This is definitely an interesting piece of news.
    In the future though:
    1. limit your post to about 150 words
    2. clearly separate the report part (1/3 of the text at most) from your comment (where you explain why this info is interesting/surprising/etc. and/or express your own opinion) - in the post above your reaction to the article is one short paragraph so change the proportions
    3. remember to post the link to the article you read


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