Do alien what to contact us?


We still haven't found any aliens, so we haven't been able to neither ask them any questions nor receive a reply. The most important question is whether they actually exist. They might because of one simple reason: we exist. One of the most important reasons why scientist are looking for aliens is because we are curious. We want to know if they exist, what they like, how do they look like and what our relationship with them might be. Aliens might be curious about us too but we don't know what kind of relations they are looking for. With so many worlds of civilizations we might have just not caught their eye.

In my opinion aliens do exist but not in a way we believe they do. Our universe is endless and we have no clue how many planets there are so it is pure arrogance of human kind to think that we are the only intelligent species in the whole universe. with life on them exists. On the other hand, I think that if aliens wanted to visit us, they would already have done it. The life of aliens is a subject that we never can be 100% sure about.


  1. Would you personally like to be contacted by aliens or go on an expedition to try to contact them? You sound quite keen.


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