Do you think the response of the Polish society and government to the coronavirus epidemic has been appropriate?

Do you think the response of the Polish society and government to the coronavirus epidemic has been appropriate?

In my opinion the response of the Polish government to the coronavirus epidemic has been very appropriate. As the video says, we should avoid the crowds. So what the Polish government did was closing all schools couple of days after the first case was confirmed in Poland. At the same day they also cancelled all the mass events up to 50 people. Later on they closed shopping malls and forbid going. They also turned normal hospital into infectious hospitals. The government also have closed all the boarders and cancelled all the flights.
The response of the Polish society was kind of okay. Most of the people were very responsible and stayed at home but some of them don't realize how dangerous the disease is and they still go to parties and meet each other.
The government really did a good job. Maybe if more people were responsible the disease wouldn't have gone so far.


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