Netherlands to finance abortions for women from Poland

 The Dutch government stated that they will pay for woman from Poland to obtain abortions. The near-total ban on abortion in Poland caused many women their lifes. The money will come from a found that is supporting other vulnerable groups abroad (mostly ,,third world countries”) and it will provide a safe access to getting an abortion. The decision was made after an enormous case about a woman called Izabela who lost her life due to a near-total abortion ban. She died in a hospital after the decision of doctors that they will wait until the foetus dies itself before they are going to remove it. Abortion in the Netherlands is permitted on demand up to the 22nd week of pregnancy gowith costs ranging between €480 and €930. The Dutch government wants Polish woman to know that they are safe in the Netherlands and they do not have to worry about the big costs of abortion. 

I think that what the Netherlands is doing is really important not only for the woman in our country but also for the politicians in Poland. Maybe it will make them realise how much damage they are causing to Polish woman. As a result of the ani-abortion law a woman died leaving her loving husband because of the decisions of the doctors to wait till the foetus dies itself. She could be saved if the doctors chose to remove the foetus right away! I think that financial help we are going to get from the Netherlands will help many woman in need because in my opinion everyone should have a voice to decide about their own body despite other peoples’ believes.


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