“Restrictions not very effective at limiting pandemic,” says Polish health minister

 The number of covid cases and deaths caused by the virus in Poland is rapidly growing. Since two days, Poland is recording over 28 000 new cases and today the deaths' cases reached 497 (which is the most since early may). Although Poland's situation with the Covid-19 virus looks really bad, our government does not seem to care at all. Mister Niedzielski (our health minister) says that restrictions are not necessary and could even be counterproductive. He also claims that the situation is not that bad because last year at that time 22 000 people with covid were hospitalised while now the number is only 19 000. Niedzielski maintained his opinion by saying that restrictions are much less effective than vaccines (to comparison to last year when there was in Poland a strong lockdown). He also said that the percentage of vaccinated Poles is 60% and with adding the people who are post covid and have antibodies, the percentage reaches 70-75% which provides a ,strong population immunity'.

I think that what Polish government is doing right now is just inhuman. If the restrictions, as he said, are nor really working then why is, taking as an example, Austria having a total lockdown right now? One year ago more people were hospitalised also because at that time we had a peak of the 3rd wave while now, as the experts say, we have not reached it yet. Being vaccinated makes you go through the illness less strong as you would without it. The spread of the virus is also lower but it does not mean that it is equaled to 0. People with antibodies can go through covid once again and spread it widely. The situation in Poland is dramatical. The government is not listening to what the doctors are saying simply because they do not want to loose their voters and they want to maintain their goal. By their ignorance to this subject many innocent people will loose their health and lives.


  1. Where is the link to the source?
    Adding to the problem is the fact that the resistance to the virus we got from vaccinations seems to last shorter than we thought. So there maybe be a lot of vaccinated people who have already lost their immunity and don't realise that.


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