Home grown cannabis - how covid 19 has fuelled a boom around the world


In the past cannabis supply was imported only from places like Morocco or Lebanon. From 80% of the cannabis used in UK , 30% was grown in the country in the 90's and has increased to over 90% right now. In the recent years there was another major shift mostly by small-scale-growers. Many cannabis users don't depend on drug dealers. They simply produce marihuana themselves. Most small-scale-growers weren't involved in any criminal behaviour and were normal people with job, family and friends. The produce of cannabis has mostly increased because of the Covid-19. Most of the people claim that it was harder to meet up with a person they grew with, they want a healthier product, they don't want to get involved with criminals or simply because they get pleasure from doing so.

I am not surprised that there has been an increase in cannabis production. I can understand the people because everything is harder to get, not only cannabis but food, cafe etc. Instead of going to a restaurant or going to caffe, I make food and cafe myself. I am not getting in touch with anybody and the most important thing is, I know what I put my meals. I can mix ingredients that suit me and I know that they do not endanger my health or my life. Cannabis is a plant so it surely can make pleasure growing it. The pandemic causes us a lot of stress and cannabis contains CBD and THC which eliminate stress and make us take a break from everyday life. 



  1. You sound like a true fan! I don't suppose you have a little hothouse in your garden?

    1. Hahaha noo don’t worry😂 I just live in one flat with a Dutchie who although does not use it himself, is well known with the product and sees the adventages and disadventages as they are😂😂


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