How the pandemic may damage children's social intelligence


Children while going to school are developing skills like sharing, conflict solving and empathy. Because of COVID-19 many of those opportunities like learning and developing social skills, have been frozen partially. Studies have shown that already many people, both adults and children, have been negatively affected by the lockdown. Those who are socially less connected have an even more complicated situation. For example, if you are not able to empathize, compromise or understand other's emotions your social communication is very likely to decrease. The best thing you can do is just to interact with others as soon as the lockdown ends.

In my opinion, the lockdown does not affect our brain itself. Even on my own example; I feel the lack of meeting and truly communicating with others. I am a person that likes to spend time with friends and I really miss doing it but I don't feel like my abilities to get along with others have decreased. I still try to communicate with my friends as often as possible and I do it by sending text messages or by phone. I do think though that people who are less social active will have even more problems when the lockdown ends as they have to re-adjust again to the normal situation. All we can do now, is just to try to keep in touch as close as possible.


  1. I've heard many people saying they feel awkward when, after months spent in front of their computer screens, they have to actually go to work and meet people face to face. It's a bit as if you were meeting them for the first time.
    Where is the link to the article?


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