How to stop psychopaths and narcissists from winning positions of power
People with psychopathic, narcissistic or Machiavellanistic personalities can't see other people's feelings which means that they have no empathy. They don't have a sense of guilt which stops people from immoral behaviors. Both narcissists and psychopaths are social predators that are looking for feeding grounds. So what can we do to prevent ourselves from this kind of people? An Australian psychologist Clave Boddy thinks, that companies should employ psychologists to asses potential leaders and determinate their suitability for power. They could also speak to children who give signs of dark triad trails such as cruelty, lack of empathy, guilt or no emotion I think that preventing others from the influence of psychopaths, narcissists or sociopaths is very important. They could be very dangerous because their influence could feel like a poison eating you from inside. I also think that what Clave Boddy says could change things. An interview with a person who has psychopathi...