
Wyświetlanie postów z maj, 2020

Would you like to live 250 years?

Would you like to live 250 years? I wouldn't like to live 250 years because I think this would be very tiring. If people are saying that living for 80+ years is tiring then how would it be living as long as 250 years? The older you get, the faster time passes according to some people. Changes in the world and technology will keep going on and probably even faster than now. Think of for example of Iphones, the first was introduced only 13 years ago and came with 4 GB of storage nowadays 128 GB is what is used most. Keeping up with changes like that will be hard for 235 years. The biggest question is in which condition would we reach ages like this? Will we be very fit and active or not? I think that living for over 100 years it's a bad idea.

Why do people often think that the past was better than the present or future ?

Why do people often think that the past was better than the present or future ? People often think that the past was better than the present or future because they already knew what happened in the past but what will happen in the present or future is unknown. In the past, people didn't have to worry about many things for example even half a year ago, people did not worry about the pandemic. They didn't even know that a virus will change their lives and cause many problems. They also are afraid of how the situation with the virus develops. We already experienced the past but what the future will bring is uncertain.